Anime NYC Haul

Another great convention: conquered.

My main goal for this one was SHOPPING. I’m seriously lacking on cute things in my life since I went on a huge un-haul purge during our move. I was mostly on the lookout for cute clothing and perhaps some bags. 

Behold: My spoils

When scouring the aisles for loot, I stumbled upon a shirt with a manatee on it. From there, I found more shirts all with like lovely Dugong instead! Bother members of Sirenia family, I was ecstatic. After charging it to my card, I found out this booth was called “Mana-tees.”

My yen press purchase! When you buy two books you get a tote bag so I said sure, why not. One was a light novel purchase, World End. I have no idea what it is about but I can’t wait to read and review it. The second was my Svetlana Chmakova book, Crush. I’m her biggest fan and I have her autograph on three of my books (including Awkward and Brave) So, I’m super hyped about her new release!

And now, for the piece de resistance! My new work bag! I wanted a simple bag to bring to work and carry books and letters and insurance crap in. I added this adorable pin and am trying to decide if I should pin this part out since many people won’t see this side. So far I have the one Rudicorn i bought at NYCC. 

So, that was all I got at AnimeNYC. I only went there for Sunday this year and had such an awesome time. Seeing people I haven’t seen in so long and being out in the world was perfect. I also got a Gong-cha bubble tea to celebrate my success. 

Well, I will catch you all later!

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